It worked fine with both Comcast HD service as well as DirecTV HD service. It actually worked great and I used it for years in my old apartment where I had to run the coax from one wall around the edge of the room to the oppisite wall to get to my HD-DVR. I actually have one RG6 cable that is about 50 foot long where the wire is only about an 1/8" in diameter and very flexible. This is one thing that I did actually like about Monster Cable, they made some very nice, flexible RG6 cables.

If so there are some cable manufacturers out there who make RG6 cables that are very flexible and work well, however they tend to be much more expensive.

HDMI is digital with pulses and a coax cable is analog with waveforms so an Coax to HDMI Cable won't work.If you have a device that has an HDMI output that you want to send via an already installed coax cable to an HDTV that has an HDMI input see our HDMI over Coax Extender set. If you need to convert HDMI to coax see our HDMI to coax converters.Ī Coax to HDMI cable does not exist and there is no such thing as a Coax to HDMI Cable! If someone is selling a Coax to HDMI Cable don't buy it as it doesn't work. If you need to convert an OTA or digital cable coax signal to a component video signal see our Coax to component HD tuners. You need to call your cable company and buy a cable box from them or review our high definition tuners. If you have a coax (RF) coming out of your wall and want to connect HDMI to it you can't as that coax cable is needing a connection to a cable box.

If you need to convert HDMI to coax see our HDMI to coax converters. See the above SIMILAR Tab for equivalent products or, if not there, call us at 80 right now to discuss your needs. If you are wanting to connect the coax cable coming into your house and convert it to HDMI that is called a CABLE BOX you buy/rent from your local Cable Company or one of our HD TUNERS in the above SIMILAR TAB. This is a customer service page to prevent you from getting ripped off by others trying to sell you a cable that will convert coax to HDMI as there are no coax to HDMI cables as electronic converters must be used.